Living With Depression

Most of us go through a depressive point in our lives, whether we are clinically diagnosed or self-diagnosed.

Major Depressive Disorder took over my life during my mental health deterioration era. I was isolated, crying myself to sleep every night, losing weight by the second and living in a zombie-trance 24/7, but at least I had an identity- I was mentally ill.

I resonated so much with this title, allowing it to flood into every aspect of my life, and at times, even bring me a sense of comfort with being able to have a sense of identity. I attracted the most depressive people, hung out at the most depressive places, listened to the most depressive music- if a person/behavior had “depressive” written all over it, you bet I was indulging in it.

This is a key example of the Law of Attraction’s power. My thoughts, behaviors, and environments were constantly remaining the same- it’s now obvious how I managed to stay in there for so long: nothing was changing. I guarantee you that there will be zero change in your life if there are zero changes being done within your thoughts, behaviors and surroundings.

To simplify it a bit, The Law of Attraction states that “like attracts like.” Therefore, if you’re labeling yourself as depressed, you’re most likely going to continue to behave the way a depressed person behaves. Experiment with yourself: try hanging out in different places, switch up your friend group, or come up with an affirmation that makes you feel good. There’s plenty of ways to implement minor changes, that eventually lead to the major changes you’re looking for.

Switch your perception from “I am depressed” to “There is depression inside of me” to give you the freedom to realize that you are not the depression. The depression is just a labeling that you resonate with in this moment; it is temporary. If my formerly depressed-self was able to shed the “depressed” label, so can you.


Finding Your Center In The 21st Century